Hollywood Blood Horror Festival

Hollywood Blood Horror Festival

Thursday, April 7, 2022

"HBHF": Winners of March 2022

It's time to announce the winners of MARCH'S CONTEST!

Many films were simply outstanding... Our sincere congratulations to the winners and all the finalists!
And now, drum roll please!!! The winners are:


- Best Feature:

"CarousHell 2" (Steve Rudzinski, USA)

"In the eyes of the prey" (Leonardo Barone, Italy)

- Best Horror:

"The door" (Nicholas Carrodo, USA)

"You've got mail" (Jenny Popovich, USA)

- Best Sci-Fi:

"Dead Destination" (Paul Van Beaumont, Stevie Alexandria Maxwell, UK)

"Starship Troopers Deadlock" (Steffen Werner, Germany)

- Best Thriller:

"Just Breathe" (Gavin Edmonds, USA)

- Best Fantasy:

"The Screenplay" (Davide Melini, Italy)

- Best Gore:

"Number 7" (Severin Eskeland, Norway)

- Best Dark Comedy:

"Giraffe" (Dan Nicholls, Canada)

- Best Mystery:

"The Haunted House" (Teddy Moreno, USA)

- Best Action/Adventure:

"Rivals" (Teddy Moreno, USA)


- Best Comedy:

"Master Speesa!" (Rosie Malek-Yonan, Monica Malek-Yonan, USA)

- Honorable Mentions:

"Comittee against spirits poltergeists and revenants" (Maxwell P. Leabo, USA)

"Krampusnacht" (Brodie Cotnam, Canada)

"Transylvania C.A." (Joel Deering, USA)


- Best Producer:

Paul Van Beaumont, Stevie Alexandria Maxwell for "Dead Destination" (UK)

Steffen Werner for "Starship Troopers Deadlock" (Germany)

Ella Evans, Chris Shaw for "The door" (USA)

Davide Melini, Giancarlo Galante for "The Screenplay" (Italy)

- Best Director:

Paul Van Beaumont, Stevie Alexandria Maxwell for "Dead Destination" (UK)

Dan Nicholls for "Giraffe" (Canada)

Severin Eskeland for "Number 7" (Norway)

Steffen Werner for "Starship Troopers Deadlock" (Germany)

Nicholas Carrodo for "The door" (USA)

- Best First Time Director:

Ziyuan Wang for "Nowhere to escape" (USA)

Davide Melini for "The Screenplay" (Italy)

- Best Actor:

Corey Schmitt for "Giraffe" (Canada)

Sebastian Mora for "Just Breathe" (USA)

Scotty Stahl for "Starship Troopers Deadlock" (Germany)

Matteo Pianezzi for "The Screenplay" (Italy)

- Best Actress:

Laura Calamassi for "In the eyes of the prey" (Italy)

Debby Gerber for "Nowhere to escape" (USA)

Magdalena From Delis for "Number 7" (Norway)

Anna Dönitz for "Starship Troopers Deadlock" (Germany)

- Best Supporting Actor:

Nigel Barber for "Dead Destination" (UK)

Brad Bergeron for "Giraffe" (Canada)

Phelan A. Davion for "Starship Troopers Deadlock" (Germany)

Filippo Panunzi for "The Screenplay" (Italy)

- Best Supporting Actress:

Larissa Drobychevskaja for "Starship Troopers Deadlock" (Germany)

Claudia Nicosia for "The Screenplay" (Italy)


- Best Young Actress:

Samela Krasniqi for "Dead Destination" (UK)

Julia Wnecowicz for "In the eyes of the prey" (Italy)

- Best Acting Duo:

Debby Gerber, Nick Coleman for "Nowhere to escape" (USA)

Isaiah Morales, Romeo Sanchez for "The door" (USA)

- Best Acting Ensemble:

Paul Van Beaumont, Julia Florimo, Nigel Barber, Malcolm Benson, David J. Biscoe, Stevie Alexandria Maxwell for "Dead Destination" (UK)

Scotty Stahl, Phelan A. Davion, Anna Dönitz, Larissa Drobychevskaja, Christoph Werner, Richard Becker for "Starship Troopers Deadlock" (Germany)

- Best Cinematography:

Rylan James Gladson for "Giraffe" (Canada)

Vincent Ling for "Nowhere to escape" (USA)

Severin Eskeland for "Number 7" (Norway)

- Best Editing: 

Paul Van Beaumont for "Dead Destination" (UK)

Severin Eskeland for "Number 7" (Norway)

Lauren Applegate for "The door" (USA)

Roberto Micalizzi for "The Screenplay" (Italy)

- Best Sound Design:

Andrea Velarde for "Giraffe" (Canada)

Magne Steinsvoll for "Number 7" (Norway)

Jon Savard for "The door" (USA)

- Best Original Score:

Bruno Oliveira for "Giraffe" (Canada)

Magne Steinsvoll for "Number 7" (Norway)

Zack Bower for "Starship Troopers Deadlock" (Germany)

Jon Savard for "The door" (USA)

- Best Original Screenplay:

"Black Sunshine" (Kirk Allen Muesse, USA)

"Dr Die and the Maiden of Deathly" (Raymond Harrison, USA)

"Rise of Experiment 53" (Thomas Peek, USA)

"Ruined Vacation" (Mark Donnell, USA)

"SBH (School Bus Head)" (Jarrett Bryant, USA)

"Stand your ground" (Frank Mancuso, USA)

"Stranded" (Cesar Caballero, USA)

"Tobacco roses" (Raymond Harrison, USA)

- Best VFX:

Paul Van Beaumont for "Dead Destination" (UK)

Paul Dib for "Giraffe" (Canada)

Jimmi Salomonsen for "Number 7" (Norway)

Steffen Werner for "Starship Troopers Deadlock" (Germany)

Teddy Moreno for "The Haunted House" (USA)

- Best Special FX:

Isabelle Fallu for "Giraffe" (Canada)

Dina Bergsvåg Eskeland, Lena Førland for "Number 7" (Norway)

- Best Costume Design:

Paul Van Beaumont for "Dead Destination" (UK)


- Best Makeup and Hairstyling:

Daniel Schmiderer for "Starship Troopers Deadlock" (Germany)

Emma Fein, Natalie Clark for "The door" (USA)

- Best Special Makeup:

Grace, Jamie Murray for "Nowhere to escape" (USA)

Rosario Prestopino, Diego Prestopino for "The Screenplay" (Italy)

- Best Production Design:

Kexin Cai for "Nowhere to escape" (USA)

- Best Trailer:

"Number 7" (Severin Eskeland, Norway)

"The Inner Circle" (Teddy Moreno, USA)

- Best Poster:

"Rise of Experiment 53" (Thomas Peek, USA)

"The door" (Nicholas Carrodo, USA)


  1. I can only say I'm beyond BEYOND amazed and grateful to Hollywood Blood Horror Festival for their kindness and recognition of 3 of my projects. With wins in 4 categories via 3 projects, I'm beyond humbled.

  2. Wow, what a rush! It was an exciting experience to join HBHF. Thank you so much for choosing my project "Starship Troopers Deadlock". We were absolutely flashed to win in 11 categories! I would need days till we undestood it in depth. Thank you very much to the HBHF team for the oustanding and great support.

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